Wednesday, May 8, 2013

21 Again (I'm Just Saying!)

Life is just too short.  I remember when I was 21 thinking the world was mine!  I was in better health.  My joints didn't ache.  I could run for distance without having an asthma attack or become out of breath.  My home phone, no such thing as a cellphone back then, would ring for me all the time making my mother crazy!  The biggest issue I had was my eczema and how bad my skin looked.  Today I look back wishing I was 21 again.  The only time my phone ring now is for doctor's wanting me to come into their office or a nurse giving me bad news of a test or calling in a new prescription.  

No one tells you to exercise when you are 21.  No one tells you to eat right when you're 21.  Its always "have something to eat", "are you hungry?" "Here try these smoother pork chops, corn bread, greens and mac and cheese."  "Eat some more and get some meat on them bones."  

No ones tells you that if you're thick and popping in the body, you'll get thicker.  Now the word "thick" is no longer what you are called.  It's FAT and OBESE and your once perky breast or nice round bottom will all go south without your permission.  Which by then your sagging will have you spending your retirement on a plastic surgeon.  Not a good look.  

I mean seriously no one tells you not to drop it like its hot because your knees will be replaced one day.  No one tells a 21 year old that those high heels with be replaced with those handicap old people shoes with the thick soles that has no laces only the straps. 

No one tells you that all the candy and sweets you use to live for will have your teeth falling out and now you're one tooth from having dentures.  Let's hope you could afford them!!  Otherwise you would look a hot mess in the mouth!  

No one say to a 21 year old wearing weave with all that glue or not properly taken care of their hair will require them to wear those wigs yo granny use to wear.  You know the ones that is crooked, matted & raggedy & every time she bends her head the wig lifts up in the back.  

No one ever tells a 21 yr old that twerking and showing their body off will be a time of the pass.  Especially when you can no longer see beneath the top of the belly that use to be flat.  

No..........they wait until you reach the age when you have no energy, no time, no patience, no cares, no reason , no vision, and no clue.   No they wait to tell all the stuff you've done at 21 is now the price you'll pay today.  

Yes people you'll gain high blood pressure (salty food), diabetes (all that candy and sweets), high cholesterol (fatty foods), arthritis (joints keep dropping it like it hots folks), gout (say by to those heels), balding of the hair (wig/weave/glue), irritable bowl syndrome, diverticulitis, thyroid issues the list goes on and on.  

Isn't it funny that with age comes a new set of issues?  It's remembering to take "my" medication or where was I going kind of thing.  With age comes a list of things that would get on your nerves when at 21 you would laugh at it or keep on moving.  If you are 21 or young in that arena.  Listen up!  With age comes wisdom......wisdom to know that your tail is old or will be old and 21 is never coming again!!!!!  I'm Just Saying!!!!


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