Thursday, May 31, 2012


In a world where there is so much hate
how can one create
an wonderful atmosphere
where there is so much fear?
People judging and pointing fingers
while others are hating while their emotions linger
Yet they won't understand
how much power they give to one man
Power they no longer hold
Yet their life crumbles and unfold
Before their very eyes
Yet I many more lies
will our government tell
As they yell...."WE WILL RISE"
So much for freedom of speech
Can't be a Christian and believe
in what the Pastor preach
You either hate gays
or denounce God for many more 
non better days
Personally I stand, ME, on the Word of God
Call me what you may
pin me or stab me with your rod
I will neva' turn back
I stand on his track
the world has gone nuts
Washington is corrupt
This group trash talk another
and that group discredits his brother
Sisters shaking what they think is their
money maker
disappointed again cause no man
would take her
to be his wife
yesterday, today never in this life
so she settles for anything
since she can't get that wedding ring
"God is on His way"
so they say
Will you retire your sin
and give in
or will you continue to judge those who has
or keep talking until you
run out of gas
this world has gone nuts
America is on the verge of bankrupt
Other countries slaughter their own
for standing and protesting even in their home
While we as Americans sit on our throne
racing to jump to fight another battle
that's not even our home.
Why do we allow millions of Americans to be on the street
Die from hunger, be killed by police or beaten?
So many battles to date
So many people who hate
From Afghanistan, Iraq, and many others
to Cali, Miami, Ohio  with daughters
against mothers
and sons against father
and no one seems to even be bothered
Why is this world nuts
Are people all talk while sitting on their butts?
The possibilities are small
Too many people had to fall
Free yourself of hate
Free yourself to create
Free your mind
Don't waste your time
or mine
Get it right this time
or you will get left behind.
God told me it wouldn't be easy
Yet I wish I could only say, "Be Breezy"
and bounce with wind
and worry only about my sin
The destruction in us all
is enough to make heaven fall
How does God worry about the mess
I'm on this earth and its hard not to stress
Children have no respect
thugs without a job!
Single mothers go for broke to raise their kids
Huh....and daddy thinks he has a degree in biz.......ness
What a mess!
Afraid to make a legal dime
But want to sit on my clock doing nothing only to whine
You're not winning
When the head is spinning
out of control
get a hold
on life
it ain't right!
I tell you this world is nuts
When will we get off our butts
We are truly bankrupted
our acceptance of foolishness is corrupted
One thing I am certain of 
is God unconditional love
America was the land of opportunities
now its a land limited possibilities.

 Website Sign

Monday, January 16, 2012

The Dream

   `I saw a dream which made me afraid and the thoughts upon my bed and the visions of my head troubled me` Daniel 4:5 

   Have you ever watched drum majors? 
   It is a fascinating experience to watch as they strike up the band, blow their whistles and lead the parade. The drum major sets the pace of the march, signals the cadence for the drummers, and directs the band as it plays and marches.
   Martin Luther King characterized his role in history as that of a "drum major." There were many instruments of freedom in the movement that included the Urban League, C.O.R.E., N.A.A.C.P, and Black Panthers, that were playing tunes and warming up. The various players stood ready but there was no single person that could "strike up the band" and get them to march for a single purpose until Dr. King arrived. Refusing to take much credit for his actions in his last words to America he said, "If any of you are around when I meet my day, I don't want a long funeral. I'd like somebody to say that Martin Luther King, Jr. tried to give his life serving others...yes if you want say that I was a drum major, say I was a drum major for justice..peace..righteousness." As a drum major, Dr. King pricked the conscious of America and challenged the dormant players of our ethnic leadership to take an active and even dangerous step toward breaking down the barriers of hatred in America.
   As America salutes the memory of this great man, we who knew him must resist the attempts to tame his image by glorifying him as a mystic dreamer, a godlike hero image to be worshipped and idolized while the sacred principles for which he lived and died are continuously desecrated. By focusing the emphasis on Dr. King as a futuristic dreamer rather than as an activist that stirred the world to take action against racism, poverty, and war, the established powers have sterilized his legacy and made it safe for public consumption. If the focus remains on the abstract nature of the dream, then less emphasis will be placed upon the activism that was necessary in King's time and is needed now to fulfill the dream's demands.
   As Christians, we understand the role of prophets of God. We know that each was raised by God to respond to the crises of the hour. Each was empowered by the Spirit of the Lord to lead the march for freedom and justice in their generation. 
   While Dr. King was a great man, we do not elevate him to a godly statue, we give thanks to God for using him to help facilitate the blessing of increased liberty for all.

   When Nebuchadnezzar called Daniel into is throne room he told him he had a problem. It seemed that Nebuchadnezzar, the Babylonian King, had had a dream but he could not understand what it meant.  He called upon Daniel to tell him the meaning of the dream. Daniel may have told him in these words `well king you started with a pretty dream that turned into a nightmare.
   ` You dreamed you saw a mighty tree whose branches expanded wide, the birds nested among its branches; its fruits fed the hungry of the land. You dreamed you saw a mighty, grand and glorious tree. But you heard a voice from Heaven saying cut the tree down...that`s when your dream turned into a nightmare. 
    It means that right now your kingdom is large and has grown strong, but God is going to cut you down. 

   If Black America is to survive we must return to the old land mark.
   We must work to strengthen the fabric of our families.
   Share and reflect together, engage and family building projects and activities, develop respect for our elders and our roots...  We must rekindled to the fires of our ancestors, grandmothers and fathers.
   We must awaken the sleeping consciousness of our people to remind them that there`s proud and rich heritage.
   We must foster, image building activities among our youth, image reinforcing activities among adults, and constantly remind every woman and child whose heritage comes from the shores of Africa that while association and cooperation with those outside of our race is necessary, assimilation is not and usually means annihilation.
   We must keep the fire of faith burning ever brightly.
   We must remind our children that we have come over a stony and mountainous road.
   We have  come through many valleys and survived the wintery snows of despair...only by the will God.
   We must keep in front of them the way of forefathers.
   We must keep, the old hymn, the old prayers,
   We must keep on singing `A charge to keep I have, a God to glorify.`Our song must forever be:
  `God of weary years, God of our silent tears, though who has brought us thus far along the way.
   Though who has by thy might led us into the light, keep us in the path we pray.
   Lest our feet stray for the place where our God we met thee
   Lest our hearts, drunk with the wine of the world we forget thee, shadowed beneath thy hand may we forever stand true to our God true to our native land.!   
Sincerely, Website Sign

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Are you ready?

 Happy New Year to you!

With the new year in full swing, there are a lot people who claim to know when the world will end.  Some are posted online, on television such as the History channel and even in book formats.  Truth is NOONE knows when Jesus will return.  Jesus said in Matt 24:42-44:  42 "Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. 43 But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into. 44 So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.

Why do people say the world will end or that it will be doomsday on this  particular date?  Maybe they do it for attention or they just think they know it all perhaps?   Truth is, in 1 Thessalonians 5:2 For you know quite well that the day of the Lord's return will come unexpectedly, like a thief in the night.  
If we believe what we see and hear, we are saying the Bible is not true.  That is why we must have faith as a mustard seed and not to walk by sight but by faith.  He also tells us in 2 Thessalonians 2:2 not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by some prophecy, report or letter supposed to have come from us, saying that the day of the Lord has already come.  I think we should make sure we are ready for His return.  We shouldn't worry about the hour, day or time of the demise of the world.  It almost like judging a sinner outside the church and not looking at self. 

This year I wasn't worried about making another broken resolution.  The only thing I am focusing on is staying in the presence of God!  There is no other place I want to be.  It is my secret place.  It is my safe haven from everyday life and people.  I can totally depend and trust on Him.  Once a person lose focus from God to something they have no control or authority over, they take a risk in not being in God's holiness of holy!  I don't know about you but I need to stay in His holiness!  Even if its people, place and things are tempting me to sin, I must be ready!

If a person was picking you up for a meeting, would you be ready?  Of course you would.  Why do we make serving Christ harder than it has to be?  Do you realize how awful Christians are frowned upon?  We have become a laughing joke to sinners.  Why?  Christians have allowed sin to reside in the house of God.  We have become too relax by not wanting to upset the sinners.  We get afraid they will leave our congregations.  So we allow the Jezebels whore-mongers, homosexuals, pedophiles, liars, thieves, etc., (the list is long and so is the sin) by not taking a stand on God's Word!  He said in 1 Cor. 5:12 It isn't my responsibility to judge outsiders, but it certainly is your responsibility to judge those inside the church who are sinning. So why do we have sinners in leadership positions?  Why do we feel its not our place to sit down a woman who is sleeping with any man that would let her?  Why is the choir director practicing homosexuality and leading our praise and worship?  Where are they leading us to? Straight to damnation if we are not careful.  

Don't think for a second that the foolishness we accept that isn't of God won't have an affect on your walk with Christ.  Think again!  How many times have you ever woke up happy and just as soon as you get around someone who isn't happy you start feeling like them? Its no different in the church.  People who are suppose to show examples of Christ start showing everything unlike God by not speaking to others, helping others, and by not paying tithes, the list goes on.  God is pure.  God is holy.  God is honest.  God is looking for his soldiers to be in place at all times.  God is wanting you to make the right choices.  God is coming back.  I don't know when, I don't know the hour or the day but I do know I WILL BE READY!  


Someone asked me,"How do you get ready?"  Simple.  Confess out of your mouth that you believe Jesus died and resurrected for our sins.  Tell God how sorry your are for the sin you lived in and ask for forgiveness.  That is your way of repenting for the awful things you have done.  Ask God to provide total restoration and complete deliverance over your life.  Get into a bible based church and most importantly get into the Word of God.  Read and study your bible daily.  Take the Word of God  everywhere you go.  When you find yourself falling, get back up! 
We all fall short of the glory of God but we fight the fight to maintain our place with Him.  The moment we stop fighting could very well be the opportunity for His return.  ALWAYS be ready my brother!  Always be ready my sister!   If you would like for me to keep you in my prayers, please email me at pray4me.
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