Monday, April 14, 2008

Doubt, Trust and Insecurities....

How many of us can honestly say we NEVER experienced Insecurities?  If you say you haven’t - I would doubt you.  If you ever thought your mate was cheating, your children is leaving home (college, move out, acting out etc.), your parents may never have been there for you, death of an love one, doubts of healing,  whatever the case, you have had some insecurities.....
I can honestly say that I have had (key word “HAD”) my share.  When I was married I had more insecurities than I had love for my husband.  I had reason to have them as well as not having reasons for many I tortured myself with.  It had gotten to a point where I drove myself crazy just trying to convince myself its true.   I couldn’t keep walking right with Christ because I allowed the devil to come into my life, my heart even when I believed I was not living in sin. Truth is……I was not allowing God to work it out.  He said, “For the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.” James 1:20....

Insecurities can lead to destruction, anger, bitterness and sometimes depression.  In any case, I rather be free from it.  When someone gives you reason to doubt them, you can choose to walk away or forgive them.  In the event you forgive, you are to LET IT GO.  If you can not let it go, you should go.  Living in an environment of insecurity is not healthy. “He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.” Proverbs 28:13 (KJV)....

I use to think that my twin boys would grow up and never look back at me.  I use to think that my youngest son would not love me enough because he had to share me with other children. Those are a fraction of my “old” feelings.  Trust me people, there were more.  The difference in me today, I set myself FREE. “And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32.

There is nothing on this earth that will make me doubt my Lord and savior Jesus Christ!  All the doubt in the world can’t make think that my fiancĂ©/ex-husband/baby daddy/best friend/soul mate/big daddy/love of my life, that he don’t love or want me.  He does!  God said it, I believe it and that settles it!

Just as there are people who are miserable in their live, TRUST ME, they will try to make yours just as miserable or more.  Pray and seek HIS faith.  Trust and Believe!  It took my marriage to fall and be destroyed from all the insecurities we had to being reborn and rebuilt.  I use to believe experts when they say once you don’t trust someone you could never trust them again.  What about…..”once a cheat ALWAYS a cheat”?  I don’t buy that because that is saying, then you believe in God, that he is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.  What about the woman in the bible who was talk bad about for her “loose
ways” yet she brought her alabaster box to Jesus wiping his feet with her hair.  Do we say
that she will always be considered “loose” after Jesus forgiven her of her sins?  NO!  If we do then we doubt Christ. 
So for me, I made up in my mind that my mind will stay free of all nonsense.  God is not about confusion, drama, doubt, insecurities.  God is love!  If you can’t understand that perhaps you should self examine
yourself.  Settle all debt within and love God, yourself and others.  Be Blessed!
One more thing……keep in mind the following scriptures:....
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” John 10:10“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness”. 1 John 1:9